National Hotlines
Call 911 or these hotlines if you or a loved one is seeking immediate help.
Eating Disorder Hotline
National Eating Disorder Association 1-800-931-2237
Dating Abuse and Domestic Violence
National Suicide Prevention
Lifeline: 1-866-331-9474 (24/7)
*Disclaimer Statement*
The purpose of this website and the services offered through KnowsNoFace LLC is to provide mental health resources and to assist people in making changes in their lives through supportive guidance. The information offered on this website is based on my research, personal experience and work as a mental health professional. We try to link our followers only to other reputable websites that do not engage in improper business practices. While on our page you may have the opportunity to visit other websites or electronic media not operated by KnowsNoFace LLC. These sites may collect personal information about you or be a security risk. KnowsNoFace LLC does not control websites that are operated by these entities and is not responsible for the practices of other websites. To be of best service to those we work with and to stick to our values, we focus on providing consultation, individual counseling, group counseling and group workshops which promote mental health awareness. If KnowsNoFace is unable to assist you at this time professional referrals for therapy will be made on an as needed basis.